I picked up the asset bundle yesterday and I'm quite pleased. I've started working on a tiny little farming game to help me learn the ropes of Godot after switching over from Unity. (I think most people know why).
Anyways, the sprite work here is excellent and it really helped me get the ball rolling. Thank you for making these packs.
Hello! Just to let you know that we have used and modified part of your free asset for Godot Wild Jam #57 entry "Reclaim!". Thanks for sharing your work! We also shared our original designs here along with the modified assets, trying to credit everyone properly. Cheers!
Sounds good. Regardless, you've got some great assets here! If I could make a suggestion, I noticed you have 2 outfits: 1 for farming, 1 for combat. I bet our girl would look cute in a froggie outfit for fishing. A whole new fishing pack for you to sell! Just saying :D
lol actually!! That was my EXACT idea. I’ve had it in making and such; a swamp with fishing animations and a froggie outfit. I will redo the character animations first, though, before I start working on it but it definitely has been my idea for a while!
Hey I noticed you have the tool animations in a separate file, but no file for the character without the tools already in it. If I had that I could use paperdoll functionality to show different styles of tools on the character (like gold pickaxe vs rusty pickaxe). Do you happen to have those files?
This asset pack (as well as the other Tiny Wonder ones) look awesome! There is just one tiny detail that slightly annoys me: the main character images are just flipped horizontally, which is a good compromise to cut down asset making time, but in this case it is quite noticeable. This is due to the hair being two different colours, so when changing from left to right (or vice versa) it looks like the hair is constantly swapping its colours! It is relatively easy to fix manually in the images, but I'd just thought I'd point it out :)
Omg I know about this!! XD Frankly, didn’t think about it when I first made it, so it’s been like that for some amount of time until I noticed lmfao (The cow costume isn’t just flipped, by the way!). But I will fix it either in a separate patch or once/if I release a character pack (including more costumes, animations and portraits). Thank you for pointing it out anyways, though! <3
They are amazing asset packs, so even this point was basically just nit picking! But I'm glad to see it was something you've noticed as well :) I'll be on the lookout for any patches/extra packs! Also, I didn't look too much at the cow costume since I wasn't intending on using it, but now that you've pointed it out I can definitely see it isn't just flipped :)
I am looking to make a farming rpg to try out some new techniques, including layered sprites. Are there any plans for a front/back model? (For moving up/down)
Glad to hear you like it!:D The right and left animations are essentially meant to be used as top/down as well. I am considering releasing some other sprites with top/down animations in the future as well, though.
Okay, I was just trying to work out the best way to know which block the player is looking at for watering and harvesting and having the top/down animations would make that visually clearer.
Here, I just made it public. Right now I'm reworking the weapons and adding cheat codes so the pizza can dress like Dante, but this is the full story. I used your sprite for the "Dairy Dealer".
Though, I think that you want to ask about the gameboy palette I made right? 😁 Here's how I did it:
I opened up the pngs using the editing software (Photoshop, GIMP, etc.)
Just made a quick palette of gray (light gray, normal gray, then a black and a white).
Swapped the colors using the palette I made in Step 2.
Used my instinct to where the hell would I like to color that pixel.
Add an overlay of green to make it look like that above png. Or you can just use green colors at the start instead of grays.
Add some hiragana, cause why not?
Post it here and question my life choices (JK)
I don't know if Butter Milk can approve color swapping (it's his/her art after all). But you can still ask him/her if you want to. And I'm sure he/she happily reply.
Butter Milk approves of color swapping so goodluck to your gameboy game!
Yeah I probably should, although I feel like it's easier to pay 6$ rather than editing a whole gif hahahs. But thank you! I will see what I can do when I publish the season update
Great! Even the chicken has a cow costume! I spent some time trying to pay for it, but never got around to it. Eventually I had to ask my friends in the US to buy it for me before the offer ended. I wonder if there will be more Is an update in the future?
oh, and as for the payment - it's probably an issue with your provider/account/country. Usually people who buy my packs are from all around the world and there's been no issues so far :D
Omg I feel you! Have lived in a country like that and it just does the complete opposite - instead of keeping money in the country, it just closes it off from the rest of the world and doesn't let it do business with ppl from abroad. Hope they change it where you live, though! <3
Yes! I’m actually working on more Tiny Wonder packs right now (as well as on new updates for the existing packs) and UI pack is absolutely in my plans! :D
The character sprites are included as sprite sheets, there’s separate sheets with just costumes/gear/character in case you want to edit/layer them on top of each other!
Hi, I can't seem to buy with my paypal? Not sure if it's because of the Euros? Is there any other way to purchase? I paid with a debit card, not a credit card。
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Hello :) I used the chickens and the chest in my time-survival game on steam:
The asset pack and you are listed in the credits :)
i will use this in my colege project <3
I especially like the chickens. Very charming!
I want to ask, as I see she's not adding content to it... There is enough content to make a farming game on Godot?
Yup, there's enough. All the tilesets, characters and objects you see on this page.
Thx!! I'll try to use it!!
Really awesome set. You are a definite pixel artist!
I wonder, however, if it would be possible to create animations of the main character (as well as in cat / cow suite) in up / down directions as well?
Can you add a pack that contains blacksmith houses and shops? Also a pack that contains many characters to be like citizens
I picked up the asset bundle yesterday and I'm quite pleased. I've started working on a tiny little farming game to help me learn the ropes of Godot after switching over from Unity. (I think most people know why).
Anyways, the sprite work here is excellent and it really helped me get the ball rolling. Thank you for making these packs.
Does premium have animals included? Are you planning to make it 4 directions?
Cute assets, i used the character in one of my game. I hope i used well it.
Hola una pregunta... estoy desarrollando un videojuego
¿Cuánto cobrarías por trabajar en sus texturas?
ese es mi correo
y si algún otro diseñador de texturas ve este mensaje, puede enviar su trabajo
Can you make ambient assets as I'm developing with Scratch?
Thank you so much for doing and sharing your great work. I used some crops and items from your asset pack for my game, and they harmonize beautifully.
Hello! Just to let you know that we have used and modified part of your free asset for Godot Wild Jam #57 entry "Reclaim!".
Thanks for sharing your work! We also shared our original designs here along with the modified assets, trying to credit everyone properly. Cheers!
Thank you! Great water animations, but I still waiting for costume animations ;)
love your assets! just dying to get an up and down animation whenever you can <3
Thank you for these nice assets!
Where can I find the asset for the tilled and watered version of the dirt? I don't see them, or maybe I am just confused.
Also can you please add hammer and sickle animations?
Can you please add walk animation up and down
Love these assets, really need Up & Down movement though since all the characters in my game have full 4 directional movement :(
I’m seeing if I could possibly implement it in the character update, so stay tuned!
Sounds good. Regardless, you've got some great assets here! If I could make a suggestion, I noticed you have 2 outfits: 1 for farming, 1 for combat. I bet our girl would look cute in a froggie outfit for fishing. A whole new fishing pack for you to sell! Just saying :D
lol actually!! That was my EXACT idea. I’ve had it in making and such; a swamp with fishing animations and a froggie outfit. I will redo the character animations first, though, before I start working on it but it definitely has been my idea for a while!
Sounds awesome! I sent you an e-mail by the way, gotta network with other devs and designers, you know how it is :)
Hey I noticed you have the tool animations in a separate file, but no file for the character without the tools already in it. If I had that I could use paperdoll functionality to show different styles of tools on the character (like gold pickaxe vs rusty pickaxe). Do you happen to have those files?
Heya! Might be added in the newer update :D
As an idea, I'm looking for a character that is casting a fishing pole. Could that possibly show up in the character update?
just bought it, great asset! using these for interplanetary environments lol thank you! you're da best!
glad you like it!! Enjoy <3
Nice, 4 stars. version free proyect commercial, please.
This asset pack (as well as the other Tiny Wonder ones) look awesome! There is just one tiny detail that slightly annoys me: the main character images are just flipped horizontally, which is a good compromise to cut down asset making time, but in this case it is quite noticeable. This is due to the hair being two different colours, so when changing from left to right (or vice versa) it looks like the hair is constantly swapping its colours! It is relatively easy to fix manually in the images, but I'd just thought I'd point it out :)
Omg I know about this!! XD Frankly, didn’t think about it when I first made it, so it’s been like that for some amount of time until I noticed lmfao (The cow costume isn’t just flipped, by the way!). But I will fix it either in a separate patch or once/if I release a character pack (including more costumes, animations and portraits). Thank you for pointing it out anyways, though! <3
They are amazing asset packs, so even this point was basically just nit picking! But I'm glad to see it was something you've noticed as well :) I'll be on the lookout for any patches/extra packs! Also, I didn't look too much at the cow costume since I wasn't intending on using it, but now that you've pointed it out I can definitely see it isn't just flipped :)
is it ok for me to use this tileset to make a mini farming game demo?
Of course! If it's for commercial purposes, you need to purchase the paid version tho :P Otherwise, feel free to use it for non-commercial projects!
I came across a bug :( the costumes keep turning into the character costume even when i upload the seed costume
I think it’s not the asset bug, though? I think it’s something directly connected to the engine/code you use!
Yeah I know it happend with 2 different tile sets, I got discouraged after that so i just gave up.
maybe try googling the issue? Or asking on coding forums?
I am looking to make a farming rpg to try out some new techniques, including layered sprites. Are there any plans for a front/back model? (For moving up/down)
Either way, this is fantastic work. Thank you.
Glad to hear you like it!:D The right and left animations are essentially meant to be used as top/down as well. I am considering releasing some other sprites with top/down animations in the future as well, though.
Okay, I was just trying to work out the best way to know which block the player is looking at for watering and harvesting and having the top/down animations would make that visually clearer.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
I think something like a white square indicating which tile is selected would be perfect in this case!
I used the main character as the Dairy Dealer in my game, Pizza Redemption. I even bought it so I could modify some talking animations!
Would be happy to see your game in the future!! Have fun with it! :D
Here, I just made it public. Right now I'm reworking the weapons and adding cheat codes so the pizza can dress like Dante, but this is the full story. I used your sprite for the "Dairy Dealer".
I absolutely adore the style of this. Really nice looking assets!
Thank youuu <33 I’ll be making more!!
Looks good in gameboy tho! also cute waifu. (Excuse my palette swap, only done in under 15 minutes.) Might wanna make a game in GB Studio with this.
omg I’ve never seen someone do it with my assets, that looks so, so cool!! I’d love to see what you make :D
Hi! I'm really interested in creating gameboy style games, would you be available for a little chat?
If it's just a chitchat, sure!
Though, I think that you want to ask about the gameboy palette I made right? 😁 Here's how I did it:
I don't know if Butter Milk can approve color swapping (it's his/her art after all). But you can still ask him/her if you want to. And I'm sure he/she happily reply.
Butter Milk approves of color swapping so goodluck to your gameboy game!
I’m completely okay with the colour swapping and editing as stated in the asset description. I’m happy to see all the edits/variations even! :D
Glad to know it! Thank you.
are there any difference between the free and premium packs other than the license?
Yep! The free pack includes only a limited number of items whereas the premium pack includes everything! :D
Is there anyone who is giving giving cartoony/cute assets for free because i still haven't found 1.
I have a completely free pack! It's called Tiny Wonder Forest :D
i downloaded that 1 but it does'nt have interior, I don't think that asset pack is bad but i have no interiors :<
It does have interiors, though? :D
Be careful people can steal your work by installing the gif put a water mark
Yeah I probably should, although I feel like it's easier to pay 6$ rather than editing a whole gif hahahs. But thank you! I will see what I can do when I publish the season update
Elv Games for example have a very good trick and is to put small dots and zoom out the image
Oh you're right!! Thank you, I should do something about it!
Great! Even the chicken has a cow costume! I spent some time trying to pay for it, but never got around to it. Eventually I had to ask my friends in the US to buy it for me before the offer ended. I wonder if there will be more Is an update in the future?
Hi there!! There will be more updates for sure - with some improvements and a little bit of everything >:)
oh, and as for the payment - it's probably an issue with your provider/account/country. Usually people who buy my packs are from all around the world and there's been no issues so far :D
Probably the government's problem. I have a lot of complaints about that, but let it go ;)
like this:
On the surface:
"We must to stop corrupt and fraudsters from transferring assets abroad!"
"You want to spend $10 on this cute cow girl? No my boy, you don't" ;)
Omg I feel you! Have lived in a country like that and it just does the complete opposite - instead of keeping money in the country, it just closes it off from the rest of the world and doesn't let it do business with ppl from abroad. Hope they change it where you live, though! <3
Anyway, looking forward to more art from you :)
Absolutely love it! Will you make any UI set or any new extensions? Wish you made some more cool stuff! <3
Yes! I’m actually working on more Tiny Wonder packs right now (as well as on new updates for the existing packs) and UI pack is absolutely in my plans! :D
Are character sprites in layers or parts for easy editing ?
The character sprites are included as sprite sheets, there’s separate sheets with just costumes/gear/character in case you want to edit/layer them on top of each other!
Hi, I can't seem to buy with my paypal? Not sure if it's because of the Euros? Is there any other way to purchase? I paid with a debit card, not a credit card。
For example, with patreon.com?
Hi! You can buy these same packs for the same price in my ko-fi store! Here's the link: https://ko-fi.com/buttermilky
Thank you this looks cute!
Glad you like it!! Enjoy <33
so cute :3
thank u hehehs!! >ヮ<
It's so cute, so nice, so... "farmy"
Keep the good work!
hehehs perfect for a teeny tiny farm… thank you!!
Nice and cute.
thank you!!ˊᵕˋ